First stop to take pictures of lava
Lots of big Lava Fields
Lone tree in a lava field
Lonely Cactus clinging to life in lava
Lava Mounds
Stopped to capture Photos
Some of the crew
Getting ready to leave the lava field
Tail head for the big lava tubes
Parking at the big Tubes
Decontamination Instructions
Map of trails @ Big Tubes
Glen making his way through the lava
Hiking to one of the views
Lunch Break
Lunch Break
Collapsed tube
Collapsed tube
Jeep YJ for a 10-100
Coming through the trees
Coming through the trees
End of the road at Hole in the Wall
Just Hanging out
Karen n Don
Kelly n Brenden
Toppled Tree
Boulders in Tree Roots
Don n Karen w/flying toy
Flying toy